Welcome To Cookie Rumble!

Get Ready To Rumble

Cookie Rumble, that is!  

Cookie Rumble is a limited time event for players Town Hall 8 and up to celebrate Clashmas in a new way.  

Cookie Rumble will function very similarly to the Clash-O-Ween Mashup Madness, where there’ll be in-game activities to collect Resources, unlock special rewards, and earn Medals to acquire cool loot such as the Gingerbread King Skin and the Epic Hero Equipment, Giant Gauntlet. 

Cookie Rumble begins!
Date: Monday, December 18th, 2023
Time: 8am UTC/10am Helsinki time

Cookie Rumble ends
Date: Monday, January 1st, 2024
Time: 8am UTC/10am Helsinki time

However, you can still continue accessing Trader’s Clashmas tab and the Gingerbread Bakery until it closes up shop on January 3rd, 2024 at 8am UTC/10am Helsinki time.

Meet Goblin Baker! 

When Cookie Rumble begins, there will be a new Gingerbread Bakery near where Strongman sets up his Clan Games cart. Gingerbread Bakery will be the primary hub for the Cookie Rumble event! This new building is where Goblin Baker has set up his operation with his goal of becoming the best baker across your Villages. But he needs your help to gather his materials to make his delicious cookies.

Clashmas Resource: Sweet Elixir

Throughout the Cookie Rumble event, you’ll collect a special new resource: Sweet Elixir. This saccharine substance is what Goblin Baker needs to bake his cookies. You can collect Sweet Elixir from the Gingerbread Bakery, however, raiding players’ Villages in Multiplayer Battles will be the fastest way to collect Sweet Elixir.  Unlike Mashup Madness, Sweet Elixir will be randomly placed in 3 enemy Buildings instead of having specific buildings to attack. Therefore, you won’t be able to just Barcher your way to the special resource!

Cookie Medals

As you collect Sweet Elixir, you’ll unlock special Clashmas rewards such as Hero Equipment Ores, Seasonal Troops, a Season Spell, and also Cookie Medals. Like Mashup Medals, Cookie Medals can be used to purchase special items with Trader. You’ll be able to purchase event decorations, Magic Items, Resources, Gingerbread King Skin, or the first Epic Hero Equipment: Giant Gauntlet.

New Temp Troops: Ram Rider & C.O.O.K.I.E

Gingerbread Ram Rider 

This gingerbread-ified version of Ram Rider makes Walls crumble liked overbaked biscuits. Ram Rider will charge headfirst into enemy Walls and crush them. She’ll then continue to jump over any additional Walls while continuing attacking Defenses with her ranged bolos. 

  • Favorite target: Defenses
  • Targets: Ground
  • Housing space: 12
  • Movement speed: 22
  • Training time: 1m
Level*HPDPSInitial Charge Damage

*Starts at Level 3


This frosting-covered cookie version of Mini P.E.K.K.A may like sweets but don’t expect any pancakes from this baked battler. This one prefers spicier flavors. C.O.O.K.I.E whirls into action with a deadly pretzel and deals splash damage to everything around it. While devastation may be left behind, that’s just how the cookie crumbles…

  • Favorite target: Any
  • Targets: Ground
  • Housing space: 10
  • Movement speed: 20

*Starts at Level 3

New Temp Spell: Bag of Frostmites Spell 

Frostmite Spell delivers an icy chill to your enemy’s defenses. Bag of Frostmites Spell briefly freezes the target but also has one extra surprise! For the duration of the Spell, bouncing Frostmites spawn to slow down and distract nearby enemy defenses!

  • Effect type: Area Splash
  • Housing space: 1
  • Brewing time: 3m
Level*# of FrostmitesFreeze Duration

*Starts at Level 3

Epic Hero Equipment: Giant Gauntlet

The first Epic Hero Equipment has landed and you can obtain this powerful item through the Trader during the Clashmas Cookie Rumble!

  • Ability: Active
  • Abilities:
    • Barbarian King grows massively in size dealing area damage for 2.5 tiles for several seconds
    • Reduces incoming damage
    • Hero: Regenerates HP
    • Hero: Increases DPS
LevelDurationDamage Reduction (%)HP Regen per SecondDPS IncreaseUpgrade Ore CostBlacksmith Level
21215820120 Shiny1
313201023240 Shiny+20 Glowy1
413201226400 Shiny1
513201429600 Shiny1
613251632840 Shiny+100 Glowy1
7132518341120 Shiny1
8132520371440 Shiny1
9143022431800 Shiny+200 Glowy+10 Starry1
10143024531900 Shiny1
11143026632000 Shiny1
12143528742100 Shiny+400 Glowy+20 Starry1
13143530842200 Shiny3
14143531942300 Shiny3
151540321042400 Shiny+600 Glowy+30 Starry3
161540331152200 Shiny5
171540341252600 Shiny5
181545351352700 Shiny+600 Glowy+50 Starry5
191545361402800 Shiny7
201545371402900 Shiny7
211650381503000 Shiny+600 Glowy+100 Starry7
221650391553100 Shiny8
231650401603200 Shiny8
241655411653300 Shiny+600 Glowy+120 Starry8
251655421703400 Shiny9
261655431753500 Shiny9
271760441803600 Shiny+600 Glowy+150 Starry9

Event Pass

The Event Pass is a new way to maximize the amount of rewards you can obtain during the Cookie Rumble event. Like the Gold Pass, the Event Pass is a paid feature specific to seasonal events that has a free and premium reward track. Once you purchase the Event Pass, as you earn Sweet Elixir you’ll unlock the rewards from both the free and premium tracks!

Players who elect not to purchase the Event Pass will still earn the rewards from the free track!

Sweet Elixir TierFree RewardsEvent Pass Rewards
100100 Cookie Medals20 Glowy Ore
30015% Training Boost500 Cookie Medals
6001000 Shiny Ore20 Glowy Ore
1000Ram Rider1050 Cookie Medals
1500150 Cookie Medals30 Glowy Ore
200030% Training Boost500 Cookie Medals
25001200 Shiny Ore30 Glowy Ore
3000C.O.O.K.I.E1050 Cookie Medals
3500350 Cookie Medals40 Glowy Ore
400030 Glowy Ore500 Cookie Medals
47501300 Shiny Ore40 Glowy Ore
5500Bag of Frostmites Spell10 Starry Ore
6250400 Cookie Medals60 Glowy Ore
700030 Glowy Ore1 Jingle Bell deco
77501500 Shiny Ore60 Glowy Ore
8500100 Glowy Ore15 Starry Ore
9250450 Cookie Medals70 Glowy Ore
1000045 Glowy Ore600 Cookie Medals
11000500 Cookie Medals70 Glowy Ore
12000150 Glowy Ore20 Starry Ore
13000550 Cookie Medals80 Glowy Ore
1400045 Glowy Ore800 Cookie Medals
15000600 Cookie Medals80 Glowy Ore
16000Gingerbread Bakery deco35 Starry Ore

Bonus Reward Track

Once you’ve completed the Cookie Rumble reward track, there’ll be an additional bonus track for all you overachieving Chief Chefs. This bonus reward track unlocks only once you’ve completed the entire free reward track.

Additional Sweet Elixir CollectedBonus Reward
1000130 Cookie Medals
2000130 Cookie Medals
4000130 Cookie Medals
6000130 Cookie Medals
8000130 Cookie Medals
11000130 Cookie Medals
14000130 Cookie Medals
17000130 Cookie Medals
20000130 Cookie Medals
24000130 Cookie Medals
28000130 Cookie Medals
32000130 Cookie Medals

Trader Rewards

As you earn Cookie Medals you’ll be able to purchase seasonal items from Trader, who’s offering his special Clashmas wares! You can acquire a variety of goods from Magic Items, Clashmas decos, Gingerbread King Skin, and the Epic Giant Gauntlet!

ItemCookie Medals
Giant Gauntlet3100
Gingerbread King Skin4650
Starry Ore x6320
Glowy Ore x60280
Shiny Ore x350325
Barbarian Santa Deco1025
Skeleton Sock Deco1025
Rune of Builder Elixir3100
Rune of Builder Gold3100
Rune of Elixir3100
Rune of Gold3100
Book of Spells1900
Book of Building1900
Book of Fighting1900
Book of Heroes1030
Shovel of Obstacles1030
Builder Potion590
Wall Ring x5515
Power Potion310
Research Potion250
Pet Potion250
Builder Star Jar200
Resource Potion240
Clock Tower Potion150
Training Potion50
Gingerbread Clan House Roof515
Gingerbread Clan House Deco515
Gingerbread Clan House Ground515
Gingerbread Clan House Walls515
Elixir x90K15
Gold x90K15

We hope you enjoy this sweet event! Happy baking!

Mastering Clash of Clans, Farming since 2016. Also loves to play PUBG & Minecraft. I'm the owner behind CLASH LAYOUTS, where we're all about spreading the love for gaming.

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